Blog Challenge: #2 How has WoW changed my life?

living-with-a-gamer-girl-and-a-hipster-girl_o_1844465Hmm, Where do I start? I am just going to say that for more than 10 years of playing World of Warcraft and If I am going to be technical here. I am paying $14.99/month x 10 years +other merchandise, game features mounts, pets, expansions and other expenses this game did to me. I am pretty sure I could have saved all that money spent for something else, maybe I could have gone back home and have a vacation. But don’t get me wrong, like any other players out there who had spent real money for the game. I believe that we didn’t regret it because we did love the game despite all the expenses. 

It did changed me tremendously because the fact that all I did was sit in front of the computer most of the day aside from going to work, It affected my sight and yes I am a four eyed lady now (it just means I am wearing glasses now). It also impacted a lot of me gaining weight over the years, health wise I am not as healthy as you think I am. I isolate myself most of the time because of depression. I know I maybe giggles and laughter in game but I was going through a lot of stuff.

A lot has changed after 5 years with ex-boyfriend who I met in Ragnarok Online (RPG) and then we both played World of Warcraft, We broke up and I didn’t recover for more than 3 years. Anyway, World of Warcraft did for me in a good way is that I was able to meet different people around the world, all with unique personalities and that some are also playing different games aside from playing WoW. It made me strong as a person and able to help myself socially even though I met them online. Some, I actually known them and seen them and that’s good. Oh! did I mentioned that I can type in without looking at my keyboard because of World of Warcraft yes! haha!

Also, I honestly have more friends online than in real world for some it’s not good but that aside. World of Warcraft really made me who I am today. Especially I can openly share my thoughts through my blogging, it gave me more confidence not only online but offline as well. I thank the community for that a lot too. I am trying to lose weight I know it’s hard just really need to commit to that. Health wise I am trying to eat healthier, to lose weight, to have a stable vital signs, and just enjoying life day after day.

For those who like to join sharing your thoughts on Blog Challenge by Zeirah and Cinder check their website. Please don’t forget to share, like and subscribe my social links located in my side bar of my blog site. Thanks again guys for reading my post today. Happy gaming!

About AmerGamer

A PC Gamer, Blogger, Healthcare Provider, A Friend you can chat with about anything.
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8 Responses to Blog Challenge: #2 How has WoW changed my life?

  1. Alunaria says:

    I wish you luck ahead. You are brave for sharing – Press on, Hero. Are you an introvert too? I guess most of us gamers are 🙂 It’s nice to have a place where one can find community and good times in the comfort of ones own home at times 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • AmerPriest says:

      Hey Alu, Thanks for dropping by hon. I try to be brave that’s for sure. I am kinda Introvert yep. I’m a home buddy if that tells you anything. LOL! and yes I think most gamers do. And yes the World of Warcraft community is a great support group and I hope that new or old bloggers see that way.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I told my sister that I like having online friends because I can simply log out whenever I want. She said, “Ha! A classic introvert!”
    Candidly, my WoW life works because when I meet people in game we have the game itself in common. My neighbors, well, they seem to have a different vocabulary than I do.

    Liked by 2 people

    • AmerPriest says:

      Heya hon! Thanks for dropping by. haha I agree with your sister. glad you find friends online with same interests, in regards to your neighbor well usually they could careless.. but be nice if they also play same game as you do and can do HOUSE PARTY for gamers whaha! =) also I followed your blog. Its nice to find a new blogger in the community. Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Cinder says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. It’s hard to talk about the negative affects that WoW can have. As much as everyone likes to talk about the positives (of which there are SO MANY!!) there are also the negatives as you mentioned, of being far less mobile and spending loads of time looking at a screen etc. It’s about finding that balance, I think. And I’m glad that you’re finding that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • AmerPriest says:

      Thank you Cinder for sharing the idea for this topic. I’m glad to be one of the bloggers out their to share a little personal story of where I am today. Sometimes, it’s better to be honest, instead of just keeping stuff to myself as I did before even to the point that I thought I lose my battle and just thinking negative thoughts including suicide, but glad i didn’t give up or give in. It is great to have the community with positive attitude. Thanks again!


  4. Pingback: Topic 2: How has WoW changed/impacted your life? – Z and Cinder's Blog Challenge

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